An Investigation Into The Data Around Us

Welcome. You are in the good place… I mean my site

Phil Walker

Phil Walker

Data Analytics Consultant

Cone Health


Contained within are my thoughts, musing, and opportunities I have taken to play with data to better understand the world around me. If you have any questions or want to talk further about any of the topics I touch upon please feel free to reach out to me on any of the mediums listed below.

Phil Walker is still working on writing out everything he wants for this website. At this time, this will serve as buffer text. Want to write about my work ethic and goals for what is coming next.

I like playing ultimate frisbee, exploring the beautiful world around me, and learning through data.


  • Optimization
  • Data Visualization
  • Analytics


  • MS Engineerng, Integrated Technology Management, 2012

    Cal Poly - SLO

  • BS Industrial Engineering, 2012

    Cal Poly - SLO

Recent Posts

ADI Choropleth NC

We are going to be reading in Census data, the shapefile for NC, and the Area Deprivation Index (ADI) scores (created by University of Wisconsin) and build a map for the general service area of Cone Health.

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