ADI Choropleth NC

Visualizing ADI Score in NC

Reading in the data

# read in and save the census block groups for the 5 counties to look at..
# Alamance  37001
# Forsyth   37067
# Guilford  37081
# Randolph  37151
# Rockingham    37157

Counties <- c("37001", "37067", "37081", "37151", "37157")

# NC_bg <- block_groups(state = "NC", county = c("001", "067", "081", "151", "157"), cb = FALSE)
# saveRDS(NC_bg, here::here("data", "NC_blockgroups.rds"))
NC_bg <- readRDS(here::here("content", "post", "2020-04-26-adi-NC", "NC_blockgroups.rds"))

ADI <- read_csv(here::here("content", "post", "2020-04-26-adi-NC", "NC_blockgroup_15.txt")) %>% 
  mutate(fips_char = as.character(fips))
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   gisjoin = col_character(),
##   fips = col_double(),
##   adi_natrank = col_double(),
##   adi_staternk = col_double()
## )
## Warning: 336 parsing failures.
##  row          col expected actual                                                                                 file
## 5988 adi_natrank  a double     GQ 'C:/Users/philw/Desktop/my-site/content/post/2020-04-26-adi-NC/NC_blockgroup_15.txt'
## 5988 adi_staternk a double     GQ 'C:/Users/philw/Desktop/my-site/content/post/2020-04-26-adi-NC/NC_blockgroup_15.txt'
## 5989 adi_natrank  a double     GQ 'C:/Users/philw/Desktop/my-site/content/post/2020-04-26-adi-NC/NC_blockgroup_15.txt'
## 5989 adi_staternk a double     GQ 'C:/Users/philw/Desktop/my-site/content/post/2020-04-26-adi-NC/NC_blockgroup_15.txt'
## 5990 adi_natrank  a double     GQ 'C:/Users/philw/Desktop/my-site/content/post/2020-04-26-adi-NC/NC_blockgroup_15.txt'
## .... ............ ........ ...... ....................................................................................
## See problems(...) for more details.

Data cleaning

ADI_filter <- 
  ADI %>% 
  filter(str_detect(fips, Counties)) 

BL_ADI <- geo_join(NC_bg, ADI, 'GEOID', 'fips_char', how = 'left')
# Distribution of the population per country?
BL_ADI@data %>% 
  ggplot( aes(x=as.numeric(adi_staternk))) + 
  geom_bar(bins=20, fill='#69b3a2', color='white') +
  xlab("ADI State Rank") + 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0,10,1), labels = seq(0,10,1)) +
## Warning: Ignoring unknown parameters: bins
## Warning: Removed 16 rows containing non-finite values (stat_count).

# Read in population data from ACS dataset
bg_pop <- readRDS(here::here("content", "post", "2020-04-26-adi-NC", "ACS_PopEst.rds"))

# Join to spatial dataframe that currently exists
BL_ADI_POP <- geo_join(BL_ADI, bg_pop, 'GEOID', 'GEOID', how = 'left')

# head(BL_ADI_POP$estimate)
BL_ADI_POP@data %>% 
  ggplot( aes(estimate)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins = 10) +
  xlab("Population Estimate") + 
  # scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0,10,1), labels = seq(0,10,1)) +

Make a map

pal <- colorNumeric("Greens", domain=BL_ADI$adi_staternk)

# Setting up the pop up text
popup_sb <- paste0("ADI State Rank: ", as.character(BL_ADI$adi_staternk))

popup_sb <- paste(
  "ADI State Rank: ", BL_ADI@data$adi_staternk,"<br/>", 
  "County: ", BL_ADI@data$COUNTYFP, "<br/>", 
  "Block Group: ", BL_ADI@data$NAMELSAD, 
  sep="") %>%

qpal <- colorQuantile("Blues", BL_ADI_POP@data$estimate, n = 7)

POPpal <- colorNumeric(
  palette = "YlGnBu",
  domain = BL_ADI_POP@data$estimate

popupADI <- paste("<strong>", BL_ADI_POP@data$County, "</strong>",
                 "Tract: ", BL_ADI_POP@data$Tract,
                 "Block Group: ", BL_ADI_POP@data$BG,
                 "ADI Rank: ", BL_ADI_POP@data$adi_staternk,
                 "Population: ", BL_ADI_POP@data$estimate,
                 sep="") %>%

popupPOP <- paste("<strong>", BL_ADI_POP@data$County, "</strong>",
                  "Tract: ", BL_ADI_POP@data$Tract,
                  "Block Group: ", BL_ADI_POP@data$BG,
                  "ADI Rank: ", BL_ADI_POP@data$adi_staternk,
                  "Population: ", BL_ADI_POP@data$estimate,
                  sep="") %>%

leaflet(BL_ADI_POP) %>%
  addTiles() %>%
  addPolygons(label = ~popupADI,
              group = "ADI Rank",
              fillColor = ~pal(adi_staternk),
              color = "#444444",
              weight = 1,
              smoothFactor = 0.5,
              opacity = 1.0,
              fillOpacity = 0.5,
              highlightOptions = highlightOptions(color = "white",
                                                  weight = 2,
                                                  bringToFront = TRUE),
              labelOptions = labelOptions(
                style = list("font-weight" = "normal", padding = "3px 8px"),
                textsize = "15px",
                direction = "auto")) %>%
  addPolygons(label = ~popupPOP,
              group = "Population",
              fillColor = ~POPpal(estimate),
              color = "#444444",
              weight = 1,
              smoothFactor = 0.5,
              opacity = 1.0,
              fillOpacity = 0.5,
              highlightOptions = highlightOptions(color = "white",
                                                  weight = 2,
                                                  bringToFront = TRUE),
              labelOptions = labelOptions(
                style = list("font-weight" = "normal", padding = "3px 8px"),
                textsize = "15px",
                direction = "auto")) %>%
  addLegend(pal = pal,
            values = ~adi_staternk,
            opacity = 0.7,
            title = NULL,
            position = "bottomright",
            group = "ADI Rank") %>%
  addLegend(pal = POPpal,
            values = ~estimate,
            opacity = 0.7,
            title = NULL,
            position = "bottomright",
            group = "Population") %>%
  addLayersControl(overlayGroups = c("ADI Rank", "Population"),
                   options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)) 
Phil Walker
Phil Walker
Data Analytics Consultant

I am interested with collabations which drive improvements in the daily lives of others matter.
